NEW Free Life Codes Prediction for You this October Read Your Personal Prediction Here This month's theme is endings before new beginnings

Are you being Guided? Discover Stage 1 of the Awakening Process

Are you being Guided? Discover Stage 1 of the Awakening Process

Are you being Guided? Discover Stage 1 of the Awakening Process

Are you being Guided? Discover Stage 1 of the Awakening Process

Are you being Guided? Discover Stage 1 of the Awakening Process

You feel connected to everything...

Angel messages, number sequences, an increase in coincidence and you have fleeting moments of intuitive clarity.

There’s a profound sense that even in moments of doubt or darkness, there is an underlying current of purpose leading you to a destination.

You want to change huge aspects of your life; you may even question if your job is right and you begin to want to change it.

There is an impatience, the feeling that all rational thought is inconvenient. Your heart is swelling with love for something more than you currently have, yet you may not know what that is.

You can feel something else is coming, something that feels big in your life, although right now you can’t put your finger on it.

Strangers tell you their life history, their woes, and troubles. You feel both sensitive and empathic, at times overwhelmed by emotions that you’re not even sure belong to you.

Your dreams are vivid, even prophetic, and you wonder what’s happening to you. You wonder if you’re losing your grip and going mad.

You’re conflicted between telling everyone and anyone who will listen as to the profound experiences you are having or to keep it completely to yourself, just in case you’re judged.

All you know is that you’ve started to crave change and you want expansion. You feel you’re destined for something more than your experience currently allows for.

If this is how you feel, or you felt it some while ago, welcome to the first stage of the awakening process. There are 6 stages you find yourself going through. Feeling Guided is the first one.

Feeling guided is an experience of interconnectedness, an internal conviction that your path is somehow intrinsically right. When you’ve moved through the ‘Guided’ stage, it doesn’t mean you stop having these experiences, it simply means they will be less frequent. You're then certainly moving into stage two, which I will tell you about next week.

You’ll want to know about Stage 2 because it’s when your life gets turned upside down, which I will tell you about in that post.

Have you seen this Framework?

Raise Your Vibration

The Soul Seeker's Journey From 'Searching' to Finding

Are you a 'Jenna' or a 'Sarah'?  There are two worlds us soul crusaders operate within. You’re currently in the world of one of them.  Which one? Click the button below to find out...

Read The Soul Seeker's Journey
Have you seen this Framework?

Raise Your Vibration

The Soul Seeker's Journey From 'Searching' to Finding

Are you a 'Jenna' or a 'Sarah'?  There are two worlds us soul crusaders operate within. You’re currently in the world of one of them.  Which one? Click the button below to find out...

Read The Soul Seeker's Journey
Have you seen this Framework?

Raise Your Vibration

The Soul Seeker's Journey From 'Searching' to Finding

Are you a 'Jenna' or a 'Sarah'?  There are two worlds us soul crusaders operate within. You’re currently in the world of one of them.  Which one? Click the button below to find out...

Read The Soul Seeker's Journey