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Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression. But how do they work?

Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead. Not yet subscribed? Click this button to watch Heidi explain how these Life Codes readings work and then subscribe for free:

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Your April 2024 focus in your Life Codes

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Life Code #1/10

If you’re waiting this month for events to move along to their conclusion, you might have to wait a little longer. The energy of this month is slower than usual so take your time if it feels right to you to sleep on something decision wise.

Relationships have a chance to develop over time this month. You’ll be able to take things at a better pace that’s in keeping with getting to know someone. Relationships with females have a strong focus this month. Friendships built now are on solid foundations.

Enjoy yourself this month as you’ll have more time than usual. Spend time enjoying the outdoors as it will work wonders with stress relief

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Life Code #2/11

This is a month of balance and opposites. If you in conflict with someone now, stop being so stubborn and come to a middle ground. If relationships are good, this month they’ll become stronger, and more partnership orientated.

This is a great time for you to plan your free time. You’ll start to feel a balance in life is extremely important to you. You’ll evaluate what your life really means and where you’re placing your energy. If you’ve neglected your nearest and dearest in recent times, it’s time to adjust your focus.

Finances could be especially good this month

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Life Code #3

This is a great month for Life Code 3. You’ll feel more in control and calm about life moving forward. You’re expressive, your sense of humour is on fire and your popularity is soaring. You’ll have invitations to interesting social engagements and the opportunity to make new connections.

It’s a great time for you to look in your wardrobe. Throw out what’s now old and washed out and replace with items you feel great in. This will improve your sense of self and confidence tenfold.

Careful of overindulgence this month as you’ll have plenty of temptations. Your fingers will creep towards anything overly sweet and calorific. You’ll not be able to help yourself.

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Life Code #4

Relationships feature strongly for Life Code 4 this month. If you’re single and ready to meet someone, now is the time to dust off your party dress. You have the ability right now to step out of any shyness and begin to engage with people you’re attracted to. If you think smartening up your appearance will help your confidence, do it. You’ll find yourself better able to chat to people.

Money is slower than you’d like. You’re better able this month for restraint and budgeting. Keeping this up with make sure you’re financially buoyant in no time

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Life Code #5

This month you’re overtired and aching. It’s time to address your lifestyle habits, make sure they reflect how things should be for a healthier outcome. You’ve perhaps been winging it and ignoring health niggles.

Your persona is softer than usual as you relax into feeling you can take your time over things. As a Life Code 5 you don’t like to be rushed, but you don’t like to show being rushed impacts you. You see it as weakness. This month you’re more accepting of your naturally chilled approach

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Life Code #6

Always at the centre of things, Life Code 6 take opportunities as they present themselves. This month though things are a little slower than you’re used to. Rather than see a slow down as a reflection of you, see it as an opportunity to determine what you’d really like to include in your life. Reading books, seeing films this month will help you with creative ideas if you’re in business for yourself. Slowing down often releases our greatest creativity and opens a renewed inspiration.

Holidays right now will be extremely appealing. Perhaps it’s time for a break.

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Life Code #7

In your working life this month people would like to chat. They’ll do a lot of chatting before they’re able to commit to anything. This might be extremely frustrating. Often you like to get to the point and on with things. If you’re expecting confirmation around a business decision, you’ll need to ask for the business and help them make the decision, rather than assume they’ll come to you when they’re ready. Others are currently muddled while you have more clarity.

Relationships started now will develop in a healthy way over time. Don’t expect love at first sight, others will want to take their time, don’t rush them on the romantic front.

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Life Code #8

You’re beginning to feel more comfortable with yourself after a period of feeling very out of sorts. Now is the time to take on new hobbies and interests rather than just focussing on work. You’ll start to feel brighter this month as everything starts to fall into place.

Confusion happens a lot for Life Code 8. This month you’re feeling much less confused and more able to see clearly. You know what you want and what you like. If it’s time for a relationship to come to an end, this month you’ll make your decision. This time your severance will be short and sharp. You know when you’ve had enough.

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Life Code #9

In recent months you’ve had a lot of emotional upheaval and changes. You’re used to trotting along quite happily but of recent times you’ve had more responsibility than you’re used to. This month you’ll start to see the kindness of others really come into play. They’ll help you out where you need it, you’ve only to ask.

Socially you’re more interactive than you’ve been previously. You now realise your engagement with others is important, you’re no longer the lone wolf. Finances improve as your inner world improves. A stronger self- worth means you get to keep more than what goes out. After a tough time, life feels lighter.

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Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression.Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead.

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