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Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression. But how do they work?

Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead. Not yet subscribed? Click this button to watch Heidi explain how these Life Codes readings work and then subscribe for free:

Watch Heidi Explain How This Reading Works

Your March 2025 focus in your Life Codes is About nurturing your dreams

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Life Code #1/10

If you’ve been patiently waiting for something to complete or at the very least, come together, then this month you’ll see progress. It will either be you’ve finally had enough and you walk away or you’ll see a breakthrough. It will all have a ‘meant to be’ feel about it although your ego may initially disagree. What you think is disappointing could actually be the greatest thing that happened to you. Time will tell. Life can have a funny way of showing something.

>>> Attend "Health Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #2/11

Conflict that’s been brewing with a female may well come to a head this month. Keep your cool to have the opportunity to resolve things rather than escalate them. The energy this month means you could be on the receiving end of a female’s long-term resentment. Rather than blow your top, keeping your cool will help you hugely in the longer view. Keeping your cool doesn’t mean rolling over in submission. It means cool, calm, boundaries.  People then realise you’re far from a walk over.

>>> Attend "Health Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #3

If you’re used to feeling you have to shout to be heard this month you’ll discover you’re all of a sudden in a library. There will be no need to shout, you’ll find you’re taken seriously with very little effort. If that means new work opportunities make sure your words are clear, concise and are not aggressive or timid. If it’s in relationships be clear and not mean, even if others behaviour is a temptation to get your own back. You’ll then finish this month feeling upbeat and guilt free. As a Life Code 3 you struggle with unexplained guilt and responsibility, by the end of this month you’ll breathe easier.

>>> Attend "2025 Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #4

This month is about you feeling at peace with what or who you love. It’s time for you to give up feeling less than and accept you are worthy of the best. The best being the best of what you would actually like. Many Life Code 4 people are afraid to feel deeply, largely because the fear of abandonment is so strong. This month it’s not about other people, it’s about what you love and how you love. Start with accepting it for yourself then you’ll see how things can magically fall into place.

>>> Attend "2025 Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #5

In recent times as a Life Code 5 you may have felt you haven’t as much influence or control as you would normally like. This month though you are back at the wheel. You’re feeling more able to steer things in your direction. Use this ability with compassion and leadership you’ll have a unique ability to get things in perspective. Why? This month is under the influence of the ‘3’ energy which is both powerful and subtle. You’re very persuasive at the moment if you use that subtle, yet powerful, energy with quiet kindness.

>>> Attend "2025 Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #6

As the centre of things, Life Code 6 do have an attraction to drama. This month has the potential for you to be high on drama mode. That’s fine as long as you don’t exhaust or over-do it as far as other people are concerned.  Seemingly calm people do have a limit; you’re in danger of not realising that and merrily bounding over the stop sign. Take a moment to look up, look at the longer term view as to what you want. You can be so concerned with ‘in the moment’ you forget to check where you’re going.

>>> Attend "2025 Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #7

This month has the energy of softer emotions but for you as a Life Code 7, you need to make sure they don’t become mushy and useless. You can find yourself tongue tied when your feelings are strong, now is the time to be kind with people but be clear if they mistake your kindness as an excuse to treat you as a doormat. It’s time to trust in yourself that you can be you without being walked over. For too long you’ve had to overly protect your inner world. Now you’ll have the opportunity to feel your heart naturally expand.

>>> Attend "2025 Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #8

This month brings the softer side of you to the surface. Often as a Life Code 8 you can be super practical and see things from a black and white sensibility. This works very well most of the time but it can slow down your ability to be flexible when needed. This month you’ll find it easier to gain a balance between practicality and empathic generosity when it comes to other people. That means you’ll see what others have to offer or are trying to offer rather than bat them away. This will bring in new opportunities and kindness into your life.

>>> Attend "Health Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Life Code #9

This month your Life Code is mixed with the energy of the ‘3.’ That means you’ll start to see your past efforts beginning to flower. Whatever seeds you planted a few months ago in your life, you’ll see those suddenly take hold and grow. If you’re thinking – what seeds? Then be careful of your thoughts, what was in your mind a couple of months back, whatever it is, will grow for Life Code 9 this month. Check you haven’t an inner garden full of dandelions. If you have, start weeding.

>>> Attend "Health Inspired Your Perfect Path To Inner Kindness" Masterclass this month here

Instantly Understand Yourself & Others

Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression.Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead.

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