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This month is about bonding and new relationships

The Orphan Archetype

Dissolving the Belief: In Life You’re on Your Own

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In this content packed On-Demand Workshop videos and deep meditation process you will learn:

  • How to 10X Your Life Dreams

  • The Secret to True Self-Reliance

  • Where Your Real 'Home' is

Full Course consists of 6 videos, 1 exercise and 1 meditation.Please allow 1-2 hours to complete it

Welcome to this session.

You’re here because you believe that in life you’re ultimately on your own.

Over and over it’s been proven to you - everyone is preoccupied with themselves.

You’re there for others through thick and thin, yet when others want to be part of your life and be there for you, you find it SO hard to accept.

You would say, “No it’s OK thanks, I can manage by myself” even if your leg was hanging off!!

Yet you still hang around looking for  crumbs of affection or for approval from those who are reluctant to give it or are too self-involved to notice what you would ever need.

Inside, you feel lonely and emotionally dissatisfied, even if your life is full of people.

This is The Orphan Archetype you’re familiar with.

It’s the times you’ve waited to be rescued.

The person you have wanted in your life who takes the time to SEE you – to KNOW you.

People  have shown up, and they  were all the things you’ve been waiting for . . . but then then . . . they disappeared.   Either they went missing completely from your life, or they switched into something or someone you weren’t expecting.

Why does something have all the promise of being great but the reality doesn’t materialise?

The Orphan Archetype shows up to create the ultimate rescue.

The connection of the self, beyond self-abandonment, into Interdependence: the safe, secure world of true self-esteem and value.  

The journey of The Orphan Archetype begins with feeling left.  You feel exposed, anxious and feel life cannot be trusted. Your safest option is to become ‘good’  - a fantastic ‘pleaser’. You drift into an easier life.  You forego your dreams and settle for work you don’t love, and for relationships that don’t treat you well. You restrict your ambitions, believing they’re not really possible.

Then the push happens.  

You feel what the Orphan sets out to achieve - the fullness of the interdependent self, the healing of self-abandonment.  

And you begin to understand that this is the end of wishing life was different and the beginning of making it happen.  

Imagine your life from that perspective - that whatever you wanted to be different  . . . it actually could be.

For magic to happen in life, it requires stability across all emotions.

No one can become a master of consciousness without taking the journey from rejection to acceptance.

The Orphan shows you that through the Soul’s expansion.  

Now it’s time for you to continue that move to mastery within emotion, and to realise it’s not about hiding.  

It's about the call of Adventure.  

It’s about taking the first step on the Orphan’s healing path.

The Archetypes

1- The Early Childhood Metaphor

Your first car didn’t even have an engine, you pushed it along using your legs. It felt lonely. What do you do? This stage is answered through the process of Life Beyond Self-Abandonment, which starts with lesson 1 "Is it me? How to Recognise Cold Relationships" and concludes with The Orphan Archetype.

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2 - The Middle Stage of Childhood Metaphor

Bored with the first car, you moved on to feeling you knew it all:  the ego believed the ONLY car in existence was a peddle car: you could go faster. This stage is answered through the process of Where You Fit In, which starts with lesson 5 "Am I Selfish to want my Own Life?" and concludes with The King Archetype.

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3 - The Early Adolescence Metaphor

Your third car? hmmm . . . you’re starting to look around to see what others have and how you connect with them. You’re discovering love or where it features – is it about rejection or acceptance? This stage is answered through the process of the Basis of Relationships, which starts with lesson 9 "From Panic to Empowering Love" and concludes with The Lover Archetype.

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4 - The Late Adolescence Metaphor

Your fourth car.  You’ve looked around, decided what you like, made judgements and now you’re going out on your own. Does what you want match with others or should you just become what you think they want? This stage is answered through the process of Creating Your Own Values, which starts at Episode 16 and concludes with The Queen Archetype.

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5 - The Early Adulthood Metaphor

Your fifth car.  It’s boring driving. You have no idea where you’re supposed to be going. Going around in circles used to be fun in your imagination, now it’s just dull. How do you create magic in your life? This stage is answered through the Basis of Purpose, which starts at Episode 20 and concludes with The Magician Archetype.

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6 - The Late Adulthood Metaphor

Your sixth car and you’ve got the hang of things now. You’ve been around the block a few times, you know generally what to expect and what things to look out for. Now it’s about soul purpose, a depth. Is your purpose to teach others to drive? How do you know? This stage is answered through *How You Create Soul Purpose in a Logical World, which starts at Episode 24 and will conclude with The Mystic Archetype.

Coming Soon

7 - The Early Elderhood Metaphor

Your seventh car - you’re surprised you’re not dead yet. Wow, life is for living, best make the most of it.  This is your seventh car and you’ve mastered how to drive. You can relax and enjoy it. Now it’s about life mastery and time to share it. This stage is answered through Life Beyond Fear and Regret, which will start at Episode 28 and will conclude with The Mentor Archetype.

Coming Soon

8 - The Late Elderhood Metaphor

Wow on your eighth car, you’re wise, you know how to drive that car through life. You’ve been there, seen it all. Now it’s about peace.  You’ve achieved what you’re meant to and it’s time to give back. This stage is answered through Accepting the State of Grace, which will start at Episode 32 and will conclude with The Mini-Sage Archetype.

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