NEW Free Life Codes Prediction for You this September Read Your Personal Prediction Here This month's theme is systematic effort which will bring rich rewards

How To Master Your Relationships by Mastering Yourself

We help Intuitive-Sensitive People re-write their relationship story through the art of the Life Codes

Discover My Unique Approach Here
Highly Intuitive People

Highly Intuitive People

7 Right-Brain Traits To Change The Lives of Intuitive-Sensitive People.

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Heidi Sawyer Quiz

Break Your Patterns

FREE 5-Min Assessment To Unveil Your Hidden Archetypal Forces

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Love Your Life Show

Love & Life Codes Podcast

Practical insights infused with ancient spiritual wisdom to help you navigate life’s complexities

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More than 100,000 People Have Already Watched This Powerful Interview & Have Seen Themselves In What Heidi Reveals

From Your iSP Learning Center

Love Your Life Show

If you are frustrated because you keep attracting difficult people into your life, the Love YOUR Life show will help. Fans of the show are ecstatic about the fun and entertaining way Heidi Sawyer brings you practical advice to help you recognise unhealthy dynamics and get your life back on track after being affected by controlling relationship(s).
Courageous Feelings: Learning How to Feel Properly
Love Your Life Show

Courageous Feelings: Learning How to Feel Properly

How do you create compelling presentations that wow your colleagues and impress your managers?
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How To Think With Prosperity
Love Your Life Show

How To Think With Prosperity

How do you create compelling presentations that wow your colleagues and impress your managers?
View Episode
Creating Conscious Synchronicity
Love Your Life Show

Creating Conscious Synchronicity

How do you create compelling presentations that wow your colleagues and impress your managers?
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Get Your Life Code Monthly Prediction

Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression, using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life.

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"I found intuition, and it saved my life. My suggestion to people who are feeling a bit lost, or unsure and want to find out more about their intuition is simple: Try it!"
Jane Barnes
Intuition Member
"I am much less in fear, much more in my courageous heart.  I am more accepting of my feelings, and definitely living by intuition."
Marina Duskov
Intuition Coaching Member