What if, at the moment, you feel like you have no control over your well-being and life cycles?You’ll know this is happening to you if you feel punished for your emotional honesty and you hope things work out.
What if, at the moment, you feel like you have no control over your well-being and life cycles?
You’ll know this is happening to you if you feel punished for your emotional honesty and you hope things work out.
So, rather than trying to structure your life, you end up nervous about speaking the truth.
The issue isn’t that you’re afraid to go with the flow. The issue is that you’re not engaged in your own life story.
During this 30 minute session you will learn:
Even if, in the past, you’ve felt punished for your emotional honesty.
Please do your best to watch/listen to each part in order.
How can happiness be simple? The answer is in the question – when life has simplicity.
Why? Because then you’re experiencing from your ‘right hemisphere’ world - the world of feelings, emotions and expression of sensations.
These are all things we’ve forgotten in a world absorbed in the left hemisphere dominance of acquisition, denial of feelings, and analytics.
Being happy means you have the power to change things.
Right-hemisphere thinking allows for this, through imagination.
Being unhappy means you’re stuck with things being the same.
Left-hemisphere thinking takes life at face-value, a belief that “it is how it is”.
When you use imagination, you find a way out, even if things feel difficult. That option is happiness.
In a word – rigidity.
When you believe that nothing can change, that gets in the way of happiness.
People usually live in the past or in the future, rarely the present. And they look to the outside, always comparing themselves with others.
These are all distractions, keeping happiness at bay.
So how do you align with happiness?
You allow the present to happen.
How? By owning uncomfortable facts.
This allows you to cope with stress by engaging with reality.
What I found I got sucked into for a long time was denying the reality of how people are. You end up hoping others will fulfil your expectations of them. But that’s not their purpose.
Often, people show up to reflect your self-worth. If they’re not very nice, it means you have the choice to accept something better, rather than try to force them to change.
It will take a few goes – BUT you will feel you can move into what makes a happy life.
Give the Soul Directed Relationships Meditation a go, even if you’ve never done meditation before – just follow the words.
What if, at the moment, you feel like you have no control over your well-being and life cycles?You’ll know this is happening to you if you feel punished for your emotional honesty and you hope things work out.
When the Orphan energy is active, you wait for the rescue that never happened, you feel lost, don’t know where you fit in, you settle for less than you want and you desperately want to go ‘home’ but you don’t know where home is.
The Orphan energy chooses you to create the ultimate rescue, the connection to the self, beyond self-abandonment and into interdependence, the safe, secure world of true self-esteem and value.
When the Lover energy is active, your soul is at odds with your careful ego. You live a life switching between conquering fear, taking risks and the excitement of your consciousness expanding, followed by flopping back into the safety of what you know.
The Lover energy chooses you to connect with your personal source of power that’s not a climb for position or authority, not a power over another but real power - the power within.
When the King energy is active, your inner world is conflicted. Each time you step into your own rules, you hear the voice of the King’s shadow – the tyrant suggesting you are less than, how you’ll never live up to expectations and the weakling ‘prince’ who doesn’t protect your new path.
The solution is to step into the energy of the true King, the matured ‘male’ energy offering centred, confident direction from deep within. The unconscious pressure to ‘fit in’ evaporates as you step into your own leadership. .
You’ve looked around, decided what you like, made judgements and now you’re going out on your own. Does what you want match with others or should you just become what you think they want?
This stage is answered through the process of Creating Your Own Values, by using your Queen Energy.
What if, at the moment, you feel like you have no control over your well-being and life cycles?You’ll know this is happening to you if you feel punished for your emotional honesty and you hope things work out.
What if, at the moment, you feel like you have no control over your well-being and life cycles?
You’ll know this is happening to you if you feel punished for your emotional honesty and you hope things work out.
So, rather than trying to structure your life, you end up nervous about speaking the truth.
The issue isn’t that you’re afraid to go with the flow. The issue is that you’re not engaged in your own life story.
During this 30 minute session you will learn:
Even if, in the past, you’ve felt punished for your emotional honesty.
Please do your best to watch/listen to each part in order.
How can happiness be simple? The answer is in the question – when life has simplicity.
Why? Because then you’re experiencing from your ‘right hemisphere’ world - the world of feelings, emotions and expression of sensations.
These are all things we’ve forgotten in a world absorbed in the left hemisphere dominance of acquisition, denial of feelings, and analytics.
Being happy means you have the power to change things.
Right-hemisphere thinking allows for this, through imagination.
Being unhappy means you’re stuck with things being the same.
Left-hemisphere thinking takes life at face-value, a belief that “it is how it is”.
When you use imagination, you find a way out, even if things feel difficult. That option is happiness.
In a word – rigidity.
When you believe that nothing can change, that gets in the way of happiness.
People usually live in the past or in the future, rarely the present. And they look to the outside, always comparing themselves with others.
These are all distractions, keeping happiness at bay.
So how do you align with happiness?
You allow the present to happen.
How? By owning uncomfortable facts.
This allows you to cope with stress by engaging with reality.
What I found I got sucked into for a long time was denying the reality of how people are. You end up hoping others will fulfil your expectations of them. But that’s not their purpose.
Often, people show up to reflect your self-worth. If they’re not very nice, it means you have the choice to accept something better, rather than try to force them to change.
It will take a few goes – BUT you will feel you can move into what makes a happy life.
Give the Soul Directed Relationships Meditation a go, even if you’ve never done meditation before – just follow the words.
What if, at the moment, you feel like you have no control over your well-being and life cycles?You’ll know this is happening to you if you feel punished for your emotional honesty and you hope things work out.
When the Orphan energy is active, you wait for the rescue that never happened, you feel lost, don’t know where you fit in, you settle for less than you want and you desperately want to go ‘home’ but you don’t know where home is.
The Orphan energy chooses you to create the ultimate rescue, the connection to the self, beyond self-abandonment and into interdependence, the safe, secure world of true self-esteem and value.
Here's how:
The first one is arguably the most important
My 2025 & YOU course offers powerful meditation processes specifically designed to help sensitives and empaths navigate these profound energetic shifts. Through guided inner work, you'll learn to:
Go here for more details on the 2025 & YOU course and discover how to work with 2025's transformative '9' energy rather than feeling overwhelmed by it.
In this content-packed, free On-Demand Workshop, you will learn:
In this content-packed, free On-Demand Workshop, you will learn:
In this content-packed, free On-Demand Workshop, you will learn:
Even if you’ve been feeling lost or overwhelmed by your emotions, this workshop will guide you to a place of emotional stability and strength.
When the Magician energy is active, you have the ability to transform reality. It’s as though a magnetic field draws you to experiences that match your inner reality.
The Magician energy chooses you to connect with your healing potential and give you access to the unconscious world of wonderment, charm and the deeply connected spiritual self.
When the Lover energy is active, your soul is at odds with your careful ego. You live a life switching between conquering fear, taking risks and the excitement of your consciousness expanding, followed by flopping back into the safety of what you know.
The Lover energy chooses you to connect with your personal source of power that’s not a climb for position or authority, not a power over another but real power - the power within.
When the King energy is active, your inner world is conflicted. Each time you step into your own rules, you hear the voice of the King’s shadow – the tyrant suggesting you are less than, how you’ll never live up to expectations and the weakling ‘prince’ who doesn’t protect your new path.
The solution is to step into the energy of the true King, the matured ‘male’ energy offering centred, confident direction from deep within. The unconscious pressure to ‘fit in’ evaporates as you step into your own leadership. .
You’ve looked around, decided what you like, made judgements and now you’re going out on your own. Does what you want match with others or should you just become what you think they want?
This stage is answered through the process of Creating Your Own Values, by using your Queen Energy.
If you are frustrated because you keep attracting difficult people into your life, the Love YOUR Life show will help. Fans of the show are ecstatic about the fun and entertaining way Heidi Sawyer brings you practical advice to help you recognise unhealthy dynamics and get your life back on track after being affected by controlling relationship(s).